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LWML Eastern District
2024-2026 Mission Grants

A mission goal of $140,394 was adopted for the 2024-2026 biennium. $33,989.53 will be provided for grants in support of the following projects for the Eastern District.

--- Mission Grant Goal
Additional grants will be selected at a later time
Board of Directors
Request to purchase sets, costumes and props for Glorify Performing Arts, West Chester, PA.
Philadelphia Zone
Request to support monthly “Lunch and Learn” program at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Clarence, NY.
Buffalo Zone
Request for the repair/replacement of the air conditioner unit in the Tiemann Chapel at Pinnacle Lutheran Church, Rochester, NY. $4,900 requested by LWML Katherine Ippolito, Genesee Zone 6-$4,900-
Request to replace the gym floor at the Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Minot, ND campus.
Philadelphia Zone
Request to cover printing costs for 400 copies of “How Can I Understand?” for Southeast Asian Families (Lutheran Heritage Foundation). Grace Lutheran Church, Hop Bottom, PA.
Anthracite Zone
Funds are requested to purchase supplies for 50 Blessing Bags Ministry. St. Paul Lutheran Church & School, Hilton, NY
Genesee Zone
Request to produce Braille and specialized Large Print Bibles and other Christian materials; St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, N. Tonawanda, NY
Niagara Zone
Request to construct a new well for clean water for The Olivia S. Washington Schools of Liberia
Philadelphia Zone
$ 5,000

View the Mission Grants from the last biennium (2022-2024).

Serve the Lord with gladness ...
Contact the Eastern District LWML
E-mail: Eastern District President

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Last Updated 6/16/2024